Our Virolizer Hand & Surface Sanitiser kills 99.9% of germs instantly without water, leaving your hands refreshed. This amazing versatile spray can help protect you and your family from harmful bacteria. Use anytime, anywhere: car, office, clothes, surfaces, hand bags or for sporting activities. Use as often as required and change the way you Sanitise. Virolizer Spray feels refeshing when it touches your hands and leaves no streak or messy slimy residue. As seen on UK – TV !
It has taken our team a considerable amount of time to perfect this unique formula. Making sure that it has Disinfectant, Antiviral, Antiseptic, Antibacterial and Antifungul properties that kill 99.9% germs, colds and flu viruses yet kind enough on your childrens skin.

On little hands

On your clothes before you meet the family

On surfaces

In the car

Door handles

At work

when shopping

sanitise your work tools

Protect your consumers sanitise displays before and after customers handle them.
Comments from consumers ….
“Very impressed with the spray. It’s the only hand sanitiser that doesn’t make me cough! Its non-sticky and easy to use. Would definitely recommend it! 😊 Great invention x ” Mrs Jones, Enfield, UK
“We use a disinfectant spray for our 5,000+ strong workforce for their boots and tools after they have finished work and have not seen a product like this. This will be perfect for our company’s needs”
“We were looking for a product to treat our display items as customers are apprehensive of trying on expensive footwear product after someone, this is what we have been looking for.. Thank you Virolizer! ”
Virolizer Spray has been tested by Intertek UK and complies to..
- BS-EN1500:2013 Bacteria in Handrub standard.
- BS-EN1276 Bactericidal
- BS-EN1650 Fungacidal
- BS-EN14476:2013+A2:2019 Virucidal
- Food Area Prep Safe
- Antiseptic
- Registered in the NHS Toxocology register
- Only UK approved Aerosol Hand and Surface Spray in the market